10 Target 3-D Course + 20 Target Bownanza on 9.24.22
6-Week League + Bownanza
Highest 3-week scores recorded
4th score for double point to be recorded at our 3-D 20 target Bownanza on 9/24/2022
Wednesday Nights Aug 17 – Sept 21
(8/17, 8/24, 8/31, 9/7, 9/14, 9/21)
Open from 5PM to 7PM
Classes: Competitive, Hunter, Traditional, 13-16 years, and Youth
Prizes awarded for Top 3 Place finishers in all paid divisions
League Cost: $40 per individual or $60 per family. 12 years old & under are FREE.
Drop -in Fee: $5 registration per week and $10 for Bownanza
Refreshments available for purchase
Location: Pioneer Christian Fellowship 303 RT 39 W.Arcade, NY 14009